
Showing posts from June, 2019


Heroes By Jared Jenkins In war, there are lives risked and lives taken Men and women giving their best to defend what they love They defend their country Their honor Their people Some call them soldiers Others call them heroes Our Veterans have risked their lives for us They have lived through hell and fought with honor Many have killed And regret doing so For every life, there is a soul For every soul, their is a life For those who have died, we show great appreciation  and remembrance For those who live, along with them live the horrific memories  of battle Some, memories of defeat Some, memories of victory Our Veterans were more than soldiers They were, and still are heroes

Because of You, Unknown Soldier

Because of You, Unknown Soldier By Courtney Tanabe Because of you, I am here Because of you, I am able to live freely Yet I do not know you And I have not done anything for you But there you stand, ready to fight And there you are prepared to die For me You've fought before And you'll fight again For someone you don't know So thank you Unknown Soldier Fighting for me I'm here because of you And I owe my future to you