Fort Benning, Georgia

Fort Benning, Georgia was a new chapter for Kenneth Ivory.  I don't  know nor have I I ever met him, but he was a true American Hero!

Let's go back to the beginning.  I have been working on a scrapbook for 76 men killed in Vietnam.   I stumbled  upon Kenneth Ivory's wife. They were married for a very short time before he headed off to war, never to return. I can't  begin to imagine how she felt or what she went through.

Her name was Helen and was a young bride sending her husband off to war, never to see him again.  Such a sad story.  Helen was nice enough to give me a few photos, her wedding album and Kenny's yearbook from Fort Benning. I am honored to be able to turn the pages and see part of her life and part of Kenny's.  It is so hard not to let the tears fall as I look through  these treasures.  A dream of a long happy life that suddenly changed as quickly as the leaves on a tree.

I am honored to be able to put a few of these memories  in a book for others to see.

Kenny may be gone, but he is not forgotten!  Thank you Kenny for what you have done for me and every other U S Citizen.
